Against the fear of rejection

Yesterday I've watched a Ted video, about fear of the rejection, and how to fight against it. And I thought this video was about me. Me, full of fears, shame, non confidence... comes from my family.
Oh how much is easier to say it in a strange language. Oh how much was easier to say,  Love you, in an other language. Oh  thank you God for languages. And thanks God I met with P. yesterday, who gave me encouragement. 

So my new bucket list is below. I dreamed big, sooo... not sure at all that I can realize everything. 

  1. Not to TEACH anymore in school. 
  2. Work in a coffe store. 
  3. To find my job, and be successful in my life, begin some projects or a corporation, and to earn the right amount of money, which I could feel that I deserved. 
  4. To do sports at least once a week, to go to pool at least once a month.
  5. To care about my health, and not to hold over to go to the doctor. 
  6. If I am not sure about smg to ask for help and opinion.
  7. To listen my husband, and not to hang on him. 
  8. To have time doing nothing. To have enough time for everything and find peace.  Not to be afraid of everything.
  9. To publish a book with my poems. 
  10. To have children.  
  11. To communicate in English without shame. 
  12. To have a house with a wide window sill to sit there hours with my coffee and book staring out to trees, birds or see.
  13. Not to live in a capital city. 
  14. Live abroad once again temporarly. Which doesn't mean Croatia because it is not abroad for me anymore. 
  15. To figure out who are my true friends? Do they even exist? 
15+Always be in love with my husband, and never forget it how much he means to me. 

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Ám a templom előtt a téren  Egy kis szökőkút működik, kérem!  Körbebiciklizős, vízbe pancsikolós,  Galambkergetős, rózsaszagolgatós.  Gyerek...